About Me
Michelle is a holistic counsellor, certificed soul and life coach and intuitive healer & mentor. Inspired by her own life experience she is passionate about stress management and emotional wellbeing to allow your life to progress and transpire with your goals and objectives in mind. Focusing on mind and soul Michelle will work with you to move into a life that inspires you.
Michelle’s approach is to empower you to overcome the overwhelm that comes with the busyness of modern life, in all aspects. Providing you with tools and practices to go from reactive to proactive, from overwhelm to clarity, Michelle will provide you with the support and guidance needed.
Inspired by her life experiences, Michelle enjoys working with others experiencing IBD and autoimmune disease. Helping them by focusing on mind and soul to find relief and support with their diseases and overall improved health.
During your sessions with Michelle, she will tap into both her holistic counselling, life coaching skills and various training to support you through what is arising for you in this moment and help you plan a way forward.
My Story
In 1996/97 I was diagnosed with Ulercative Colitis, a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Over the next roughly 20 years I faced flares of varying levels, three hospitalisations, as well as periods of remission. My worst flare was in 2016 and this was a lot of things changed for me. The biggest being my health. I started listening to my intuition and allowed it to guide me. I knew that medication was not able to solely provide that I wanted for my disease, it helped smooth and manage the symptoms at time but each flare I became sicker and each time I was taking stronger medication to manage my symptoms.
Within a year of following my intuition I was in remission, deep remission. I was off the strongest medication and have tapper my medication down over the years. I was living life like I didn’t have an autoimmune disease. I was feeling healthy, I was healthy. My life had completely changed. It was thanks to an inner knowing and tapping into the bodys ability to heal and support itself. Your body is not meant to attack you.
Being the person that I am, I wanted to understand why, what, how! If I was going to share and help others I had to understand, explain and be able to support with integrity.
This began my educational period and so I explored and undersood, well this journey will always continue. And now I understand the connection between mind-body-soul, I understand the result of held and unprocessed emotions, the impact of trauma and past life experiences on the body and overall welling. I know the importance of taking a holistic approach. I know the power of doing this kind of work. I understand the importance of modern medicine but know we also need to provide the body with the right environment to heal.
Not only have I healed my IBD, I have healed myself. I have gone from emotional outburst, emotional dysregulation, overwhelm, stress, exhaustion, disconnection to having clarity, peace, emotional regulation, feeling connected with self, others & life, living a fulfilling and joyful life that is aligned and on purpose.
Now I have the honour of working with others to help them to move into the life that they want to live, healing and not wishing for a better day, free from disconnection and living life on the sidelines. I am living in alignment with my purpose from a place that is in flow and peaceful, something I never thought was possible. It is possible for you too. I can’t wait to work with you.
With Kindness
Michelle’s empathy, support, knowledge and sprinkling of laughter and joy will have you feeling supported, heard and seen to allow for your personal growth, healing and empowered transformation. Michelle has helped many people through one to one mentoring and group events to realise that they too can build something special for themselves and she can do the same for you. Reach out to find out how Michelle can support you.
International Institute for Complementary Therapists – AU4140837538
Working with Children Check – WWC2704296E (July 28)
Sacred U Love Panelist (various topics)
ABC Radio Illawarra
Wellbeing Magazine, Issue 199
Shamelessly Human Podcast, Sky Steele
Dare to be Authentic Radio Show, Mari Mitchell
Masters of Holistic Counselling (Australian School of Holistic Counselling / Mind Body Education) – August 2021 – June 2023, included 50 practical hours
Diploma of Holistic Empowerment Coaching (Australian School of Holistic Counselling / Mind Body Education) – August 2021 – January 2023
Advanced Certificate in Guiding & Teaching Meditation & Mindfulness – Specialising in: Spiritual Meditation & Community and Support Groups, (Australian Centre of Meditation and Mindfulness) – 320 hours
Life Coaching Certification (New Insights) – September 2018 – March 2020 , included 50 practical hours
Short Courses
Psychic Foundations Level 1 – November 2023-July 2024
Soul Coach Certification (Denise Linn, The Linn Institute) – May 2021
Women’s Circle Facilitator Training (Honouring Heart / Imogen Bailey) – December 2020-March 2021
Ascension Training (Ashati Institute) – November 2020-February 2021
Master Training – Energy Healing including Reiki (Ashati Institute) – March-June 2020
Energy Healer Training – Reiki & others (Ashati Institute) – November-December 2019
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